Brooklyn Creative League - workspace for independent professionals

before - raw warehouse space

view of main space

detail of transluscent sollex panels

workstations at main space

reception desk detail / lounge area

individual workstation

workstation detail

view form interior of individual offices

view of main space

bubblewrap insulation detail

Brooklyn Creative League is a shared workspace located in a converted warehouse in Gowanus, Brooklyn. The workspace is designed to maximize light and create a warm commmunity environment for independent professionals and freelancers.
The material pallette consists of sustainable "green" materials that reference the industrial past of the warehouse while creating a casual modern feel. Blue-jean insulation, sound deadening homasote panels, low VOC paints are among the materials consciously employed throughout the workspace. Transluscent upper wall panels created from off-the-shelf greenhouse materials take advantage of the ceiling height while maximizing light and adding privacy to the interior private offices.
The workspace also features a reception area, a lounge and kitchen area, and a large conference room. Energy efficient lighting, ceiling fans, and HVAC systems are utilized throughout the space.
*credit for original B.C.L. concept: LiRo Group (Murray Levi & Sara Anderson)